Breakfast Yogurt

I’m always searching for new and quick breakfast ideas. Because I eat pretty early, I am usually not in the mood for eggs and I try to stay away from heavy carbs like bagels. This is my latest favorite breakfast. It’s easy, cheap, and healthy. I’ve also noticed that it’s more filling than other breakfast options like cereal. I use organic plain yogurt, and a big container lasts a full work week. Then I top with fruit and chopped honey-roasted almonds. The almonds give it a nice sweet crunch. My favorite fruit toppings are raspberries and kiwi fruit, but any fruit will do! You could also sub flavored yogurt to mix it up, but I prefer the plain because the tang mixes nicely with the sweet fruit! For extra health benefits, grind flax seed on top.  I have with a hot cup of coffee and my usual morning ice water.